Completely remove from memory? 5Not safe to unload now -- perhaps you should re-boot. MESSAGES EXITU :BACKUP.DAT MESSAGES dummy file to prevent .BAT from re-executing programU GOTO START :START 's MAIN MENU echo To return to PAUSE PRNTDRVR :ENDU !That option isn't available when is memory-resident Utilities EditText Omit Index$ Select utility =Select UTILITIES: Customize Backup Restore Printers Manual :BACKUP.DAT :RESTORE.DAT MESSAGES DOS ?Diskette drive used for backup/restore: You want to use drive No copy m-lb*.da* m-lb*.lb* backup :*.LB? restore :\ \*.LB? /S copy m-lb*.lb* m-lb*.da* , 9 F S ` m r | LASER Default printer port: 1Reset the printer before each report is printed? 4# lines your printer prints on each page (L=Laser): :Use 24-hour time and DD/MM/YY (not MM/DD/YY) date format? ' NEW EVENTS: Use main calendar date? Batch Entries? PROMPT FOR: Reminders? Priorities? Alarms? RELIGIOUS DATES: Muslim: Jewish: Christian: U Secondary Customization Items Gotcha Exercise Miscellaneous When entering event, copy 's description to notes: 4Allow exiting program directly from the Daily View: 1Save Hunt Gate settings from session to session: 7"Standard" reports to be double- (not single-) spaced: /Include even empty days on "Standard" reports: "Include notes on "Combo" reports: 2Include each day's detail in Main Menu calendars: 7Program is being used to schedule for only one person: :At morning startup, pause for date and each old deadline: /Name to use for projects, jobs, clients, etc.: 1Type of Event, if any, to substitute for GOTCHA: 3Type of Event, if any, to substitute for EXERCISE: 8Type of Event, if any, to substitute for MISCELLANEOUS: 4Refer to TDY & Leave, instead of Trips & Vacations: 2Refer to Employee, Department, or something else: 5Partition interval (in minutes) for "Combo" reports: *Show time partitions on standard reports: Time that workday begins: ends: Password: Ask for it: Even while Memory-Resident: U Primary Customization Items INITIALS 0There is already another type that begins with " Checking record U Customizing Program X(Make Entry TAB=MoveToBottomSection C=ChangeName is already designated as You've removed Do you wish to re-assign to another number? Yes No$ number to which you want to assign is already assigned to Now that ! is removed, do you want to omit 's events? Yes Make Entry LASRCODE. LASRCODE PRINTER-PORT= LASER YIn addition to the Jewish date, include each day's Sunrise & Sunset times? Yes Additional Jewish Info BLANKCL S M T W T F S This day's first 17 items'This is an example of a scheduled eventO Now, select program's color scheme, using the above calendar as an example ->? MainColor S = SecondaryColor B = BackgroundColor = ColorsOK P Is % now customized to your satisfaction?= Yes No SecondaryOptionScreen EscapeWithoutSaving Gotcha Exercise Miscellaneous Leave Yes No FirstOptionScreen EscapeWithoutSaving Changing Record Types...=Be sure to update Event Types in the Recurring Events file In order to use ), your monitor MUST be adjusted properly. Primary SecondaryFAdjust contrast until above words appear in different shades -- press m G57F7K7P7 :-:v: ;G;W;_;r;w; <&<>*>:>Q>`>q> ?!?2?A? A#A)AAAFATAbArA B3BABVB}B C,C1C?C_CmC F3F?FRF^FfFsF~F G!G6GLGaGzG H&H.H3H8HFH[H I(I2IBIRIWI J'J1J;J@JJJOJiJ K!K&K=KlK L3L=LxL M)M.M3MCMKMYMfMqMyM N)NGN P:P?PLPQPsPxP Q+QHQRQ\QaQkQpQ Screen (COM) Printer Port " fileU Standard Report Short Standard Report Full-Screen Edit Logged Time Scheduled Time Event Chart 1-Day Schedule 1-Week Calendar 1-Month Calendar 1-Year Calendar 4-Year Calendar Combo 1 Combo 2 Combo 3 Combo 4 Blank Time/Expense Log Logged Scheduled Examine Quick Hunt Chronological Hunt Continuous Chronological Day-By-Day Day-By-Day and Priority Order Priority Order, -By-Day, -By- -by-h Event-By-EventU G5RSP G5RSP *TOTALS for ALL TIME BLOCKS REPORTED ABOVE: Hours O------------------------------------------------------------------------------- &K&`&n&{& '*'/'9'H'M'W'o't'~' (((@(E(O(^(c(m( )")A)P)U)c) *!*-*2*G*T*e*q*v* **+r+ ,4,>,H,R,a,i,n,|, ,.-:-J-V-^-c-i-v-{- .<.D.R.W.g.o.|. /(/3>8> ?"?,?1?A?K?P? B2BFB CHCRCbCrCwC G*G?GOGYGgGzG G H2H7H?HDHMHeHxH I3IJIQI K:KFKwK W4WjWtW~W X'X8XNX X4YKZcZhZrZ|Z \"\,\6\@\P\`\e\ \ ]i]t] ^"^.^R^`^q^ _!_4_f_t_ a&a;aKaSaXa]ajaoa b-b5bBbMbUbZb_b c-cAc\cfc dBdrdwd e(e2eMeWe f$f9ftf~f g&g3g8gbgmgugzg h*h:hBhRh]hbhlhth i'i4iAiNi[ihiui j*j5j:j^joj k'k,k1kT> >$?.?^?c? A6A;ANASAmArA B2B7BnBsB D$D?DDDpDuD E3ECEvE F;F@F_FdFmFvF F G%G8G=GWG\GpG 1 DPREPARING A MONTH-BY-MONTH ANALYSIS OF THE PERIOD TO BE REPORTED ... BLANKYR SMTWTFS MTWTFSSU G5RP1 G5RSP G5Y^_ PREVIOUS UPCOMING EVENTS THINGS TO DO SOON NOTES LOGGED SCHEDULED TIME ALREADY TIME/EXPENSE LOG for G5RSP G5RSP NOTE -> G5RSP G5Y^_ Amount Description+ __________ __________ ___________________ G5RSP G5Y^_ ----> U G5RSP G5RSP Combo Report's Highlighted Folding Time/Expense Log's Date: Please wait... 57 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 57 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 U G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP 1 JAN %First month to be included printout: CAL3$ G5RSP G5RSP 1 FEB G5RSP 1First year to be printed on the 4-Year Calendar: Please wait... U G5RSP ? n > O [ ` r w !8!=!P![!j!r! !*"F"i" #-#<#L#Z# $7$D$R$W$ %"%y% &3&C&M&W&e&|& '-'7'E'p' (9(C(Q(n(|( ):)J)V)c)h) *M*R* +)+3+A+h+ ,>,H,Z,d, -'-1-?-Z-d-r- .$.A.P.U.c.v.{. .8/^/ /B0P0e0u0 1#1:1D1R1}1 2%2F2P2^2{2 3:3M3R3i3 5"535=5K5b5l5 6-6=6G6U6~6 71767r7w7 8D8I8e8|8 9)9T9b9t9 :0:>:i:w: ;2;B;R;b;m;x; 3>=>G>Q>[>c>h> ?+?8?=?X?e?s? @&@.@3@P@Z@d@l@q@ A%A0A5A B'B,BDBRBkBuBzB C#C3C C$D)D1DCDHDZDlDzD D!E&E:E?ESEXE]EuE F%F*F>FzF G-G7GEGUG_GiGwG H H.HJHWHcHhHmH I0I5I=IMI\IaIoI J-J5JCJHJ\JfJ K!K&KBK^KzK L,LMLiL L;MbMrM N,N7NSelect ^Edit on the MENU to create a (F)requent Events file :RECOFF.LBF USER.LOK-Do you want a schedule printout? No Looking for alarms to set... DOEXPORT G5RSP G5RSP Schedule-to-Log Zip Routine SCHEDULE-to-LOG ZIP TRANSFER N Each item that has been completed on the date you select will be copied as aN Service to the LOG file and then tagged for omission in the SCHEDULE file.U copying record to LOG... U the LOG BILLPOWER2Date whose scheduled events need to be zipped to 'Date whose events need to be zipped to Zip-to-Log NDo you want to log the item shown below as having been completed? Yes E=EditEvent BDo you want to log this item as having been completed? (You can't edit a Recurring Event here 'Date on which this item was completed: has no events to log m G5$Q$e$t$ %%%9%C%M%[%l%{% &?&O&a&k&p& '$'3'='Q'`'j' ($(7(<(K(S(](b(v( )>)N)^)c)w) ,(,7,<,],b,p, -"-6-J-O-f-p-u- .'.:.I.S.f.u. /"/*/F/K/Z/b/l/q/ 0+050D0N0a0k0z0 1"151?1W1a1y1 222:2J2O2Y2^2m2|2 283G3V3[3 4F4U4Z4g4q4{4 4d8x8 9 9?9G9[9w9 :':K:P:a:o:t: ;.;;;H;U;b;o;{; 5>D>I>\>k>p> ?D?R?`?n?x?}? @,@4@D@I@f@k@ B+B:B^BmBuB C2C[L[[[e[s[ \#\p\z\ ]#]Z]_]h]r]|] ^ ^%^6^;^v^{^ _T_Y_b_s_{_ _4`>`H`R`W`n`x`}` a"a,a1a;a@aNalava b"b6b@bEbSbXbnb{b crcwc dEdRdadkdpd e-e2eDo you wish to utilize the memory-resident alarm? Yes No%Access from within Microsoft Windows: WIN.INI directory:8Automatically load this program when entering Windows: This user: file directory: Use memory-resident alarm:)Is this information correct? Yes Drive and directory containing WAIT... POP-UP PC-BEEP X X X X PIFLCan't install for Microsoft Windows. You'll have to do it yourself, so read1the documentation. Now, press a key to continue. LOAD= LOAD = WIN.PS MESSAGESU m G5P m G5P NOTE -> U 's deadlines in the near future TO-DOs (UPCOMING DEADLINES) U G5RSP NDate 5...6...7...8...9...10..11..12..13..14..15..16..17..18..19..20..NDate 5...6...7...8...9...10..11..12..1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8... for Free Time Schedule F3=Change7 PgUp, PgDn=Scroll FindFreeTime MakeEvent G5RSP G5Y^_ G5RSP G5RSP G5Y^_ G5Y^_ <0r2<9w. M--JOURN.LBF Updating record U M--JOURN.LBF M--JOURN.DUM Wait...41 Not enough disk space - press a key to ABORT... G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP G5RP1 PROJCT.LBF PROJECT.LBF m G5(.TXT file does not exist -- press a key. UPGRADE ROUTINE=Please be patient -- this process may take several minutes... Done -- has been upgraded for use on workstation(s). Because the "'" string could not be found within the file, has NOT been upgraded. .EXE file is not present. Press a keyU M-JOURN.LBF M--JOURN.LBF*UPGRD.COM: Copyright (C) 1987 by R A Kelly LB-RATE.LBF 1STTIME.FYL UPGRD.EXE Are you a REGISTERED user yet? VERY IMPORTANT: JThis is a new version of the program that uses a different file structure. KOne of the files has just been automatically updated, but there is one thatHyou must update, yourself. This new version allows both a beginning ANDIending time for each event, including the "Frequent or Recurring Events".HAt your earliest convenience, you should edit the "Frequent or Recurring@Events" list by pressing ^E when in the the program's MAIN MENU.4When you've made a note of the above message, press U : V i } & 6 ; [ i !-!2!#>4>C>M>R> ?#?-?G?]?g?u? @"@'@5@@@M@R@_@d@ A)A8AGALAfAuA BFC~C C0DTDzD E,E>E F4FKFdF{F O%O2O?OLOYOfOsO P>PLPVP[PsP QZCZOZZZeZvZ [%[4[>[C[v[ \E]\] ])^7^<^N^]^b^|^ ^ _"_._Q___ `7`P`U`g` a'a,aYa aEbJb\bfbkb~b beczc d3dMd^dqdvd e-e2eJeTeYegeqe f2f7fEfcfjftf g6g@gPgWglgvg~g i+i>i j j9jMj`jtj k.k6k>kCkHk]kgkpkuk k l%l=lGlLlZl_l m&m5m:mHmcm}m n)n6nzn o'o1o9oFoKocomowo p p%p>pCpQpVp^pcp s%s4sKsYsqs t.t3tEtStXtgtlt u!u)u3u8uFuKu`uhuruwu v#v3v8v=vGvLv[vevjv{v w&w+wGwLw[wkwxw x7xAxFxTxhxsxxx}x Omit Yes PLAN$ Template to omit: L=ListTemplates Template to omit: L=ListTemplates =none \*.LBT Templates Select template to omit =Select template does not exist OmitU Since you've just omitted a 'you might also want to omit its events. 5Do you want to tag for omission all events involving Yes NoP Checking record U JULIAN Julian Date Selection MESSAGES Julian Reference Date Reference Date: Julian Date Title Reference Title: Reference Date: Reference Title: )Reference the above settings permanently? Yes Julian Settings Begin: End: Elapsed: Esc = Stop timing Continue timing Suspend until "\" pressed again G5RSP G5RSP L=ListPlans$ Plan to edit: Plan to edit: PLAN.LBF Edit Plan "Select an existing plan to edit =Select L=ListTemplates Template to edit: Template to edit: TMP.$ NEW Create a New Template \*.LBT Edit Template New template name: File to create or edit: ASCII (text file) File to create or edit: M-JOURN.LBF M-WORK.LBF M-GJOURN.LBF M-GWORK.LBF M-KWORK.LBI M-KJOURN.LBI PLEASE WAIT WHILE A NEW * FILE IS CREATED... U MANUAL MESSAGES Manual Printing about 50 sheets a sheet Registration Form Printing !Is printer ready and loaded with of paper? Yes IPrinter is attached to which port? 1 LPT 2 LPT A=COM1 B=COM2 TEXT.MX PRINTING MANUAL... Page Line MANUAL file is missingU file is missing Printer Selector Manual Printer PRINTERS.LBF PRNTR Printers5Select a printer compatible with yours =Scroll =Select laserjet deskjet .LSR LASRCODE. LASRCODEIPrinter is attached to which port? 1 LPT 2 LPT A=COM1 B=COM2 PRINTER-PORT= PRNTINIT. PRNTINIT !2!,r, -!-_-d- .(.8.=. /20L0V0r0w0 1*1I1N1y1 2%2J2T2Y2 2M3R3d3n3s3 4(4-4h4 5"5D5I5Z5w5 6+656:6N6X6 7#7-727J7T7Y7g7l7 8#82878E8\8r8 9(9-9G9L9x9}9 :+:0:?:n:x: ;*;/;B;x; L>V>n>}> ? ?5?O?g? @,@Z@d@w@ A/AdAnA B-BBBGBUBdBuB B7The ending date must not fall before the beginning date6A reminder must be set before the primary event's date :RECOFF.LBFU Rescheduling Routine(Date to which you wish to move events: $ 'Date to which you wish to move events: Rescheduling Event Edit Omission Tag Rescheduling Routine EDITING TAGGING FOR OMISSION RESCHEDULING =day-1 =day+1 =lastMonth =nextMonth =Select tag/untag re-schedule6There are no events set for this day =ChangeDate =Scroll Select event to =Select Highlight event to and press (or enter Recrd #): Press the highlighted event tagPRESCHEDULED -- PRESS 7TAGGED FOR OMISSION (to "untag", press T at Main Menu) OMISSION TAG REMOVED Updating record U m G5P m G5[F[K[P[_[p[~[ \#\.\6\;\@\M\R\ ](]@]J]X]b]j] ^!^&^V^ _8_M_ ` `%`5`?`T```}` a.a>aFaSaXa]abana c#cjctc e,eCePe\eieve~e f"f,f:fbf g9g>gKgPgng h&hBhJhSh`hlhyh j!j)j6jHjPjUjZjhjoj j3kGkTkYkfksk l$l)l1l>lJlOl[lhlml{l lTmtm n5n:n?nIn o#o=oWoaozo p)p5pQp~p q)q9q>qRqYqsq r!rWror}r s sisrs{s t8tHt[t u3uKuWu\uau~u vHv^vrv w"wQwmw x$xYxbxgxwx yFyty z*z/zAzFzKz^zlz zS{b{q{v{ |&|0|:|D|N|^|n|s| }K}Y}c}s}{} ~$~1~<~D~Q~\~d~q~|~ G5RSP G5RSP Re-building Index: U m G50 Schedule Mis-linked record: G5RSP Erased record 's faulty link to supposed record U Database Indexing Checking Data Integrity$ DATABASE INDEXING MESSAGES Turn on printer Re-indexing schedule/log ... Checking data integrity... primary prime reminder RE-INDEXED DATABASE RE-INDEXED ON Re-Indexing s/Notes ... Checking data integrity ... Working with Clients/Notes... MANGLED.THIS RECORD WAS MANGLED AT ONE TIME - OMIT IT! NOT.LBF NOT.LBI NTE.LBF Note :Corrupted data -- Use Restore function in Utilities module lb-rate.LBF \0-4\*.LBT \5-9\*.LBT \A-B\*.LBT \C-D\*.LBT \E-H\*.LBT \I-L\*.LBT \M-N\*.LBT \O-R\*.LBT \S-T\*.LBT \U-Z\*.LBT RE-INDEXING COMPLETE G5RSP G5RSP / H V c p } $ . 8 = c p u Event Deadline Service Receipt Appointment Vacation Leave Exercise Miscellaneous each day on ?This event's ending time should be the time it'll be completed being entered... BeginDate Date Time - Time O------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G5RSP G5RSP ) being entered...* Date EventO------------------------------------------------------------------------------- U G5RSP Reminder just entered Previously scheduled event DEADLINE REMINDER event not yet tagged for omission Rescheduling Date Time - TimeO------------------------------------------------------------------------------- G5RSP --> U G5RSP G5RSP Interval Calculator Interval's First Date: Last Date: Calculate Work Days Only: 8 Enter info above TAB=NextItem Shift TAB=PriorItem G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP E O ] u Turn printer on HIGHLIGHTED DATE: G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP Six-Month Calendar BLANK6 =month-1 =month+1 =month-3 =month+3 PgUp =month-6 =month+6 =today3Date to find (between 1 Jan 1985 and 31 Dec 2070): G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP CAN SORT/DISPLAY ONLY EVENTS PER DAY, BUT MORE THAN SET FOR THIS DAYU WAIT... PLAN.LBF Re-indexing P=Print PROJCT.LBF List Select E=EditDescription =Select :INCEXPNS.LBF PLAN. template.=At least two items in this file have the same abbreviation: " GDO NOT USE THIS FILE UNTIL YOU HAVE CHANGED ONE OF THESE ABBREVIATIONS!GNow, escape to the main calendar and press ^E to make the corrections. to this PLAN > ` n G5RSP G5Y^_ G5RSP G5RSP G5Y^_ G5Y^_ G5RSP G5RSP G5Y^_ G5Y^_ G5RSP G5Y^_ G5RSP G5RSP G5Y^_ G5Y^_ G5RSP G5RSP G5Y^_ G5Y^_ G5RSP G5Y^_ G5RSP G5RSP G5Y^_ G5Y^_ G5RSP G5Y^_ G5RSP G5RSP G5Y^_ G5Y^_ G5RSP G5RSP G5Y^_ G5Y^_ :M-LBMERG.DAT To continue, press U G5RSP G5RSP G5Y^_ G5Y^_ m G5P Save as Yes ,Name of file to which text is to be saved: New template name: already exists. Overwrite it? No :RECUR.LBF :RECUR.DAF :RECUR.DAI :M-GROUP.LBF :M-GROUP.DAF Wait... G5RSP G5RSP G5Y^_ G5Y^_ Dpress Hide, mo Copy, ( Y)erase, Read/ Write a block BLOCK Name of file to write: ! already exists -- overwrite it? XAMPLE.RPT Name of file to read: does not exist Reading line G5RSP G5RSP G5Y^_ G5Y^_ G5RSP G5RSP G5Y^_ G5Y^_ G5RSP G5RSP G5Y^_ G5Y^_ G5RSP G5RSP G5Y^_ G5Y^_ HELP MANUAL.IDX MANUAL INDEX MANUAL MANUAL About this Program Version Max MaxNetUsers: MaxEventsPerDay: DOS command: C:\COMMAND.COM To continue, press a key U G5RSP :RECUR.LBFU :RECUR.LBFU Line Col F9=eraseLine F10=save :RECUR.LBF :INCEXPNS.LBF :M-GROUP.LBF FYou want to abandon this file without saving the changes you've made? You want to save this file now? Yes XAMPLE.RPT You may not alter this file G5RSP G5Y^_ G5RSP G5RSP G5Y^_ G5Y^_ G5RSP G5Y^_ G5RSP G5RSP G5Y^_ G5Y^_ m G50 ^3<(s ^3<6s < r'< G5RSP G5RSP G5Y^_ G5Y^_ G5RSP G5RSP G5Y^_ G5Y^_ :INCEXPNS.LBF :RECUR.LBF :M-GROUP.LBF ----- PLAN 6ABB ----EVENT DESCRIPTION---- INTVL TYP --DATE--- - NOTES- O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 O----FREQUENT OR RECURRING EVENT------ MO DA TIME- TIME TYP EMP S M T W T F S OEach department/employee should be separated from the next by a slash, "/" OABB --- CONSTITUENT DEPARTMENTS/EMPLOYEES --- O NOTE: There may be NO blank lines in this fileOCAT ------ DESCRIPTION ------ Plan Template Income-Expense Recurring Events Groups Editing: Reading file line MESSAGESEFile is too big -- some will be lost unless you press Esc now INCEXPNS RECUR template Cannot find " -- open it? Yes ,A_ArA D+D1DDDVD[D`DzD E#E9E E!FHF|F F!G-G5G:GUGaGiGqG G4H9H>HmH I(I2I@IWIaIoI J'JvCvMvRvlvqvvv vjzxz}z {\{{{ |,|6|@|E|J|Y|c|q| }%}*}8}=}b}l}v} ~+~0~>~C~i~w~ Pausing... SPACE=Continue m G5P PROJCT$ Describe new ALL All s&TOO LITTLE DISK SPACE TO WRITE UDATED FILE Disk Error DPROJCT.LBF Updating file...P Do you want to omit the " Yes CREATE. -- ok? No is a U G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP PLAN.LBF PLANU G5RSP G5RSP Looking for multi-day events...U ALL All s INITNAME. Select =Select doesn't exist. anyway? Yes No Name Contact Number O------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THUNT. Compiling Report... ENTER CASE #: Enter m G50 to display: L=List P=Print PROJCT.LBF List Select to display E=EditDescription =Select to display: =All L=List r14 APR03 APR23 MAR11 APR31 MAR18 APR08 APR28 MAR16 APR10 APR25 MAR13 APR02 APR22 MAR10 APR30 MAR17 APR07 APR27 MAR TRINITY SUNDAY PENTACOST SUNDAY ASCENSION EASTER GOOD FRIDAY HOLY THURSDAY PALM SUNDAY SUNDAY OF LENT ASH WEDNESDAY 1 JAN FEAST OF MARY, MOTHER OF GOD EPIPHANY 25 DEC CHRISTMAS FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION ALL SAINTS DAY IMMACULATE CONCEPTION ADVENT SUNDAY OF ADVENTU G5RSP TISHRI HESHVAN KISLEV TEVET SHEVAT ADAR II NISAN IYYAR SIVAN TAMMUZ ELULU ROSH HASHANA - TZOM GEDALIAH - YOM KIPPUR - SUCCOTH - SUCCOTH - HOSHANAH RABBA - SH'MINI ATZERET - SIMCHAT TORAH - HANUKKAH - TZOM TEVET - TU B'SHEVAT - TA'ANIT ESTHER - PURIM - TA'ANIT BECHORIM FAST - PESACH - PESACH - YOM HASHOAH - YOM HAATZMAUT - LAG B'OMER - SHAVUOT - TZOM TAMMUZ - TISAH B'AV - U MUHARRAM SAFAR RABIA I RABIA II JUMADA I JUMADA II RAJAB SHABAN RAMADAN SHAWWAI ZU'LKADAH ZU'LHIJAHU EID AL-FITR (estimate) HAJ (estimate) EID AL-ADHA (estimate)U G5RSP G5Y^_ G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP G5Y^_ G5Y^_ 24-Hour Sun No Sun Sunrise: Sunset: U G5RSP G5RSP G5Y^_ G5RSPU mRSPU G5RSP G5RSP 9 Y^_ G5RSP G5Y^_ G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP G5Y^_ G5RSP G5Y^_ G5RSP G5RSP G5Y^_ G5Y^_ G5RSP G5RSP G5Y^_ G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP G5Y^_ G5RSP G5Y^_ G5RSP G5Y^_ G5RSP G5RSP G5Y^_ G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP G5Y^_ G5RSP G5Y^_ G5RSP G5RSP G5Y^_ G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP G5Y^_ G5RSP G5RSP G5Y^_ G5RSP G5Y^_ G5RSP G5Y^_ G5RSP G5Y^_ G5RSP G5Y^_ G5RSP G5Y^_ What additional information would you like to see at the top of the screen? Sunrise/Sunset JewishDate MuslimDate Additional Date Info W:>Y>x> ?4?R?p? AQB`BnB D/D9DGDaDkDyD E#E=EGEUEnExE F)F3FAFZFdFrF G$G]GgGuG HSH]HkH I-IbIlIzI I#JFJeJ K=K[KyK KMLdLuL LFM^MsM}M N/NLNgN O4OMOZO_OxO Q)QCQ_QlQ RHRbRjR S(SNS\SmS T/TJTOT\TsT U-UDU[UcUtU V*VMViV W&W:WHWUW{W X(0Pu UTILITIES: DialParams FieldHeads NameModule Sort Index Backup Restore backup restore index data, go to #Schedule module's Utilities routine D, $Your entry below must begin with C, F, K, P, Q, R, T, or W3What kind of records will this data base contain? Abbreviation: 8Comm port (1 or 2) to which modem (if any) is attached: Tone or Pulse dialing: 1Enter only numbers, letters or ~ (half-sec delay)'Dialing prefix (to dial out of a PBX): P MESSAGES Heading for short field Alphanumeric sequence (words) Date Number $=Money Type of data in the " " field: Heading for long field m G5P m G5
(00u h Left Indentation: # of spaces skipped before beginning to print each line; D-> Test Pattern: a sample printout allowing you to check alignment;G-> Pause after each address: answer "Y" if you're preparing envelopes. Left Indentation: Print test pattern? Pause after each address? @Are you using label sheets containing (1) or (2) labels across? BHow many lines need to be skipped at the top of each label sheet? File containing custom report: LETTERSCA separate copy of the designated letter will be prepared for each Fthat meets the criteria established on the preceding Hunt Gate screen. File containing letter: does not exist Standard Addresses & s, etc Full-Screen Edit Labels & Envelopes Letters U G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP H U N T G A T E S Number: Name: Address/City/St/Zip/ Responsible Miscellaneous: Type of Report: Report Destination: * exact * * keyword * M=BeginHunt S(orSpaceBar)=ChangeHuntGate ^ GatesReset ESC=Menu Make entry above" +To erase this Hunt Gate's entry, press LOWEST HIGHEST date to find: figure to find: M-LBCAT.DAT 0SPause at each record to confirm that you want it included in the Hunt? Yes Resetting printer... Sending data... REPORT PREPARED o=Omit Rsp Name Number BalanceO------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THUNT. Compiling Report... Create new # file Append to existing one ;N;^;c; <$<4<9=>B>k>p>u> ?)?.?4?E?y?~? @)@.@8@`@n@ A^BgB C%C/CDCcC D,D1DHDRD\DaDkDpD|D E+EIEVE[E`EpEuE G4GkQkVkokyk l?lDlSl[lnl m#m1mEm n,n@n n%oPo p7pRpmp q5qPq t>tOtTtjt vIvXv]v w#w-w2w@w\wow y%y*yjyty~y {/{E{J{T{Y{^{w{ |F|P|_|m|u|z|*}X}~} ~ ~%~>~H~R~\~a~o~y~ AAbandon whatever new information you've just entered? Yes does not exist does not exist Pausing... press SPACE BAR Name Contact Number O------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THUNT. Compiling Report... ENTER CASE #: Enter m G50 is not on disk m G50 Sending NOTE... NOTE RECORD Note Date: Number: Record is tagged for omissionU G5RSP MEMO6 is accessing data, so you can't make any changes now TagForOmission ^ F10=Save =Help Record is tagged for omission Omission tag is removed You may not make an entry for in the file This item cannot be changed![Date/Time of this note's entry: ]0Aborting because of error in trying to write to drive Not enough room on disk U G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP Date of Note: NTE.LBFU G5RSP G5RSP (Too many records already in note file Number: :INCEXPNS.DAT Screen Printer Port " fileU Quick Chronological Standard Standard - First Line Only Full-Screen EditU G5RSP G5RSP * exact * (by U N O T E H U N T G A T E S Number: Character Sequence (any line): Character Sequence (1st line): Earliest Date: Latest Date: "Quick Hunt or Chronological Hunt: Type of Report: Report Destination: P=BeginHunt H(orSpaceBar)=ChangeHuntGate ^ R=ResetGates ESC=Menu Make entry above Create new # file Append to existing one Resetting printer... THUNT. Sending data... THIS REPORT PREPARED Compiling Report... Hunting... NOT.LBF NTE.LBF Hunting 6 is accessing data, so you can't make any changes now Finished with -- press End of file -- press U G5RSP G5RSP m G50 G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP M T - T R A C K E R N O T E S -- do one of the following: )ake a note )dit/Examine a note )unt for a note Module )og Module )chedule Module)Press one of the letters in parentheses: BFirst, you must input the main computer's data base -- press ALT-I MEMO40 @ =Help Note Module NOT.LBF NOT.LBI file being created NTE.LBFU G5RSP ! 6 9 N !2!7!I!N!S!m! "!"&"f"p"z" #%#*#/#k#z# $$$)$.$H$`$h$m$r$ $!%q% &]&v&{& '%'/'9'C'S'c'h' '3(B(G(Q([(e(u( (9)P)c) *(*2*7*I*X* +)+7+G+Q+_+w+ ,9,M,W,e,o,t, -N-S- .&.\. .4/B/P/U/ 0#0-020@0P0j0t0 3,3D3N3X3b3g3 3"4'4>4H4M4W4\4~4 5-5S5p5 6V6`6 7,7c7z7 8W8f8{8 9)9D9_9z9 ;*;:;H;c;~; <&SiSxS S(TVT[ThT U)UjU WCWKWaWsW X#X(X0XCXKXZXbXjX~X Y#Z-Z [9[>[K[_[d[n[s[}[ \G\Q\[\e\j\x\ ]5]:]N]X]b]l]q] `A```x` aJa]ajaua}a b'b2b=bEbRb_bmbxb c&c.c>cVc[cecmczc d$d,d9dFdKdPdodtd e0e7eXenexe}e fKfYfhftf h i.i=iBiqiyi j%j*j L } # 1 B { !)!J!R!`!|! "!"3"="K"b"p"h# $'$/$4$>$N$^$c$v$ %#%(%2%B%R%W%p%u% &$&G&Q&_&n&v& '"'*'/'='T'^'l'~' ('(/(=(L(p( out of space DOS error hardware failure system failure program error item missing format locked out media error network serial device unknown (ExtndErr )(Class )(Locus )=Corrupted Data -- go to Utilities and (R)estore from back-ups@Computer's CONFIG.SYS file should have a line saying, "FILES=60" Disk Error CRC error in data Printer not ready ( Hardware Failure Serious Error is not a recognized LB-RAT2.LBF , ITo change your password, end the entry below by pressing Esc, instead of What's your password WRONG PASSWORD 1Designate a simple password for your future use: Don't forget your password: U G5RP1 Today's date: M-JOURN.LBF :M-JOURN.LBF$You probably didn't mean to select " ", since you should be using / on a daily/weekly basis. It was last used on Re-enter date Accept " .RA1U G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP G5Y[+ ST006(PU :\ INITT.LBFU LB-RATE.LBFU @ J T ^ h r | lb-rat1.LBF ?Your LATITUDE (NorthSouth:Deg:Min:Sec) (example: N:34:22:40): >Your LONGITUDE (EastWest:Deg:Min:Sec) (example: W:85:47:05): ?Sunrise and Sunset cannot be determined without coordinates. LB-RATE.LBF INITT.LBFU G5RSP DT.DATU G5RSP G5RSP G5RSP G5Y^_ G5Y^_ G5Y^_ NLJ LASRCODE. LASRCODE schdGate.datU :\ INITNAME. INITNAMEU Always access by entering " " at the DOS promptU PAPRCHNG.DAT PRNTINIT. PRNTINIT ALARM BEEPU ! + ; K P e 5 ? ` n !:!I!S!]!b!q! !$"e" " #*#C#H#V#v# $-%U% &'&1&;&@&Q&[&e&j& (G)Q)_)~) *,*r*|* +'+Q+b+u+ ,(,2,7,E,S,a, - -!-5-C-S-`-e-}- ./.6.E.\. /1/B/Y/c/h/~/ 0=0\0y0 1!1:1D1I1u1z1 2(2F2 4@4]4l4y4 5'5F5|5 60656